Monday, March 10, 2014

Tips for dealing with roommates!

Roommate Life

The only person that has probably nagged you about playing your music too loud or leaving your clothes on the floor was your mom or dad, or an extremely annoying sibling. At college, you are going to be accountable for your grades, finding a way to pay for tuition, and learning how to handle living with people outside your family. It may come easy for some, but completely unnatural for others. Here are a few tips to get along with the new roomies.

1) Call, don't click

Once you've found or been assigned a roommate through your apartments matching program, it's fine to look them up on Facebook, but don't judge them based on what you find online or let that be the extent of your pre-college contact. Give them a call simply to introduce yourself or to decide who is bringing the TV, radio, and kitchen utensils. Don't just rely on Facebook Texting, Twitter, and Tinder to get to know someone. People are more than the pictures they post on social network sites.

2) Don't Bottle Up Issues

No matter how good of friends you might be with someone, if you spend the majority of the day with them, their quirks might start to drive you crazy. If they do something that annoys you, or there's a more serious problem, have a calm honest conversation. If you don’t, you may risk unleashing a hurtful explosion near the end of the semester.

3) Set rules

Though it may be awkward at first, having an honest conversation with your roommate in the first few days in an effort to set some rules will prove to be helpful long term. Whether it be about cleaning the room, listening to music doing the dishes and having friends over. Letting your roommates know what might make you uncomfortable is important.

4) Get A Private Room

One easy way to avoid a lot of roommate problems is to get a private room. Roommates often have different schedules, sleeping patterns and friends. Nothing is worse than having your roommate wake you up when they noisily come in to get ready for bed at 2 in the morning, especially when you have a test the next day. Aggie Factory has a wide variety of floor plan options that are perfect for every type of student. Paying a little extra for a private room will go a long way.

Call the Aggie Factory TODAY and avoid all future roommate issues


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