Friday, March 21, 2014

How valuable is your peer network?

How valuable is your peer network?


The 5 day countdown of the 5 best reasons to live at the Factory continues.

#4. Social experience

 Being at school is more than just class work and grades. This is an opportunity to meet people that will impact you for the rest of your life. These people that you meet now, could be future business partners, job references, and more. These connections will influence you academically, professionally, socially, and spiritually. Find a way to emerge yourself amongst a large network of peers. The factory is designed with social networking, we have designed large gathering areas to accommodate meetings of any size. We have large game rooms, and many amenities that will aid you in your quest to meet and mingle with all of your peer group in the factory community. 

How valuable is your peer network?

Aggie Factory Now Leasing! 
729 E 900 N

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